February 1, Part Time Vagabond strikes out on its own again January 29, 2014Featurechange, move, part time vagabond By Chris Cavallari Part Time Vagabond is moving! Change your feed subscriptions and bookmarks to www.parttimevagabond.com on Saturday, February 1, 2014.
Where to find Part Time Vagabond on the web January 23, 2014Feature By Chris Cavallari Back from a whirlwind trip to Austin, I thought I’d let you know where to find PTV on the interwebs.
The first step is always the hardest January 16, 2014HOW TO, Travel Hackingairline, Austin, fares, hesitation, texas By Chris Cavallari The devilish voices of negativity almost kept me from pushing the button and buying the tickets. Was this going to be a waste of money?
PTV’s New Feature: 2 Days In January 14, 20142 DAYS IN, ROADSIDE2 days in, Austin, texas, travel By Chris Cavallari “2 Days In…” is a new feature on Part Time Vagabond, mean to inspire you to get out and spend some time in the world. First stop: Austin, Texas!
2 Days In, and Why I’m Leaving the BDN Blogger Network January 13, 2014Feature2 days in, change, leaving BDN By Chris Cavallari Part Time Vagabond is moving forward. Here’s what’s happening, and why.
The day I quit my job was the happiest day in my life. Every. Single. Time. January 6, 2014Lifestyleadapt, change, life, success, thrive By Chris Cavallari The day I quit my job was the happiest day in my life. Every. Single. Time.
Build a Better Vacation: A Beginner’s Guide to Travel Hacking December 17, 2013GUIDE, HOW TO, Travel Hacking By Chris Cavallari Hack your way to a better, more relaxing, less expensive travel adventure using the first part in the Part Time Vagabond Travel Hacker’s Guide.
6 Special U.S. Christmas Train Rides December 13, 2013ROADSIDEChristmas, Christmas Train Rides, holidays, railroad, Santa, Santa Claus By Chris Cavallari The Holiday Train Ride is a uniquely and classic American adventure for people of all ages. Here are six of the top Christmas Train Rides in the U.S.
Still Think It’s Impossible To Pay For Your Dream Trip? December 11, 2013HOW TO, Travel Hackingmoney challenge, saving, travel By Chris Cavallari Still think it’s impossible to save for that dream vacation you’ve been pining over for years? In one year, you can magically have over $1300 for your trip.
Hundreds of Excuses Why Not December 10, 2013Featurecabin fever, outdoors, procrastination, travel By Chris Cavallari I’ve been a bad blogger. I haven’t traveled anywhere or done any real outdoor activities in months. I have a hundred excuses why not.