I am very excited to announce that Part Time Vagabond has joined the Bangor Daily News (BDN) Blogger Network!
What this means for you
There won’t be much of a change in terms of content on PTV. It does mean more consistency in the frequency of posts, and it means more eyeballs on those posts. But we’ll still be putting out great travel, adventure, and outdoors related content from our main(e) contributors, as well as guests from around the world.
What this means for Part Time Vagabond
More eyeballs, and a great team of support staff at BDN. Part Time Vagabond has some fantastic fans from around the world, and now we can expand that audience to BDN’s readership. That readership is mostly in Maine, but with the viral nature of the Internet, no doubt that will spread. The more people we get to read PTV and engage with us, the more varied posts we can give you. Man, I’m super excited just thinking of all the great things we can do!
And welcome to all you new folks. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about my short escapes, part time adventures, or weekend getaways. Though I live in Maine and love all the fantastic adventures it has to offer, PTV isn’t just about Maine, or even New England. You’ll find tips, stories, and short essays from my journeys around the world, as I plan, execute, and reflect upon them.You can also look forward to guest posts from travel, food, beer, and outdoors experts, as well as interviews with the best and brightest Vagabonds from around the world.
Thank You for reading
Seriously, none of this happens without you, the reader. We love hearing from you about your adventures, your feedback about our site, or even just saying hi. Please make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and keep the conversation going.